
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

5 Reasons The Christian God Doesn't Exist

1.  The Christian god was created by man.

Early civilizations included imaginative people.  For what they lacked in scientific understanding, they balanced with creative stories.  They thought supernatural beings controlled every aspect of daily life.  Good fortune in weather, food, and war required prayer, ritual, and sacrifice to specific deities.  When Christianity was first created, founders borrowed holidays and traditions from other religions.  Instead of multiple deities to explain each facet of daily life, Biblical writers figured it would be easier for people to believe in one god that controlled all of life.  Instead of a god creating man in his image, man created a god in his image.  The Christian god is vengeful, petty, insensitive, racist, sexist, destructive, greedy, a liar, a killer, and a male.  Of course, man also gave the Christian god many kind and loving qualities so that there would be reasons to like him.

2.  The Christian god doesn't physically manifest itself.

It would be easy to know and potentially have a relationship with a deity if they showed up every once in a while.  The Christian god is invisible, mute, and non-corporeal.  We can't see, hear, or touch him.  The scientific method is important when deciding what is real and not real.  If one can not sense a physical presence with any of their five senses, record their measurements, and have their findings scientifically verified, how do they know a being actually exists?  The phrase, "pictures or it didn't happen," is apt here.

3.  As scientific discoveries increase, credit given to the Christian god decreases.

Discoveries and inventions made as a result of the scientific method are diminishing what the Christian god supposedly does for people.  Medicine erases the need for faith healers and exorcists.  Technology brings information to the masses rather than priests in churches.  Math, probabilities, and chance show us that "miracles" are statistically predictable and therefore are not a result of a deity.  Flip a coin to determine the accuracy of prayers.  Over time, fear of the unknown has become confidence in the known.  We can now explain what used to be attributed to gods, including the Christian god.

4.  The supernatural doesn't exist, therefore the Christian god doesn't exist.

The Bible tells of instances when the Christian god is physically present and regularly interacts with the populace.  This book also tells of talking snakes, talking burning bushes, walking on and parting water, and turning inanimate objects into animals.  These abilities and beings are not present today and there is no evidentiary support for such Biblical examples; therefore the supernatural, as dictated by the Bible, isn't real.  Since the Christian god is of the supernatural, he is also a work of fiction.

5.  The Biblical description of the Christian god is impossible.

The Christian god is said to be omnipresent (everywhere at once), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful), and omnibenevolent (all-good).   These are very high and scientifically testable standards.  However, nothing in nature shows that any of these qualities are possible.  Fictional powers that would allow for omnipresence, like telepathy and astral-projection, are not representative in nature.  An all-knowing god would not write a book riddled with errors and inconsistencies.  He would also know how his scientific laws worked and would have created the sun first and then plants; not vice versa.  An all-powerful god would be able to save all lives in a natural disaster and not just the lucky ones.  An omnibenevolent god would not commit genocide and start over with what can only be an incest ancestry for all living species.  Since the "infallible" Bible does describe the Christian god with each of these characteristics, in addition to his limitations, we can safely know that the Christian god doesn't exist.

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